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List the publication styles available to the organisation

Publication styles are tightly coupled to publications. A style must be provided when creating a publication, therefore it would be sensible to query this endpoint once in a while to sync which publication types are available to the organisation. It's unlikely a style would ever be revoked from an organisation, but new ones might be added.


GET v1/organisations/{id}/styles

Response Codes

200 OK Listed the styles successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to list the styles - probably not allowed to deal with publications in the organisation

Response Body

An array of publication styles. A style consists of:

field type description
id string The unique ID of the style
name string The name of the style
description string The description of the style
preview_url string The URL to preview the style on a publication
available boolean Whether the style is available to use (yet)

Example Response Body

        "id": "magazine",
        "name": "Magazine",
        "description": "A photographic awesomeness",
        "preview_url": "http:\/\/",
        "available": true
        "id": "yearbook",
        "name": "Yearbook",
        "description": "Great for large publications, including tag-based browsing and more",
        "preview_url": "http:\/\/",
        "available": false

Note that publications that are not available should be considered "coming soon" - that is, they will be available to the user, once it's ready for use.

List an organisation's publications


GET v1/organisations/{id}/publications

Request Parameters

field required type description
search no string Filter results based on a search string
status no string Filter on the status of the publication, either published or unpublished
limit no number How many records to return
offset no1 number If limiting, how many records to offset by. Combined with limit, this is useful for pagination
order no string The field and optional direction to order on. Fields that can be ordered on are title, due_date and created_date. To specify with a direction, use a pipe e.g. ?order=due_date|desc

1An offset can only be supplied with a limit.

Response Codes

200 OK Listed the publications successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to list that organisation's publications

Response Body

An array of publications. See "Get a publication" for a description of the fields.

Count an organisation's publications


GET v1/organisations/{id}/publications/count

Request Parameters

This endpoint accepts the same parameters as listing an organisation's publications, except there are no limit, offset or order fields.

Response Body

field type description
count number The number of publications matched by the query

Example Response Body

    "count": 8

Create a publication in an organisation


POST v1/organisations/{id}/publications

Request Body

field required type description
title no1 string A title for the publication
editorial no1 string The HTML text for the editorial. Allows tags: b, i, p, a[href], h3, h4, blockquote, ul, li, br
due_date no string The date (in format YYYY-MM-DD, UTC timezone) when the publication is due to be published
status yes string The status of the publication, in the set {unpublished, published)
style_id yes string The ID of the style to use

1These fields aren't required so that the publication object can be persisted without needing a title or editorial up front, this method is used by our JavaScript app. However, the publication should have a good title and editorial before it's published.

It's recommended to always add publications as unpublished so there's time to select articles and a featured article before the publication goes into the public domain.

Response Codes

201 Created Publication created successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to create a publication in this organisation

Response Body

The newly created publication object. See "Get a publication" for details on the fields.

Get a publication


GET v1/publications/{id}

Response Codes

200 OK Publication retrieved successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to get the publication

Response Body

field type description
id string The unique identifier for the publication
title string The title of the publication
editorial string The HTML text editorial for the publication
due_date string The date the organisation is aiming to publish the publication on
custom_css_url string A URL to additional CSS to load into the frontend, will usually be null unless the organisation has arranged with Hail to make modifications to their publication
status string The status of the publication - either "unpublished" or "published". Published publications should be considered in the public domain
number_of_articles number The number of articles in the publication. Saves having to query the /articles endpoint and counting the number of objects
style object The chosen style for the publication, an entity in itself.
featured_article object The featured article object, or null if no featured article has been chosen yet
created_date string The date the publication was created on
url string The URL to view the publication once it's published
watch_status string The watch status of the requesting user, in the set {watching, not_watching, unwatched}

Example Response Body

    "id": "tukep50",
    "title": "Year 9 Camp",
    "editorial": "<p>We had the best time!<\/p>",
    "due_date": "2015-01-01 01:01:01",
    "custom_css_url": null,
    "status": "unpublished",
    "number_of_articles": 6,
    "url": "http:\/\/\/p\/tukep50",
    "style": {
        "id": "yearbook",
        "name": "Yearbook",
        "description": "Great for large publications",
        "preview_url": "http:\/\/",
        "available": false
    "featured_article": null,
    "created_date": "2014-05-19 01:24:03",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/org\/publication\/tukep50",
    "watch_status": "watching"

Edit a publication


PUT v1/publications/{publication_id}

Request Body

The same fields (or any subset of) as when creating a publication

Response Codes

200 OK The publication was updated successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to update the publication

Response Body

The updated publication, see "Get a publication" for response details.

Watch an article


POST v1/publications/{id}/watch

Response Codes

204 No Content Watched the publication successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to watch the publication

Unwatch a publication


DELETE v1/publications/{id}/watch

Response Codes

204 No Content Unwatched the publication successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to unflag the publication

Preview a publication

If a publication is not yet published, a one-time URL can be requested which allows the user to load up the publication and circumvent the usual access restrictions for a short period. Once the initial URL is visited, a session will be created (facilitated by the hail cookie) that allows the user in without the access token tacked on the end.


GET v1/publications/{publication_id}/preview

Response Codes

201 Created The one-time publication preview URL was created successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to preview the publication, probably because you aren't a member of the organisation

Response Body

field type description
url string The URL the user should visit to access the publication

Example Response Body

    "url": "https:\/\/\/some-organisation\/publication\/afelhd4?access=5d4w5E2t2FhkOHmetx3wvjXWhif6yXBqHk7yYw8Hr7VJCeAHHglPf7AbbmhNTSQWuEMzxMW5SpBimLaAQu8h5DmcUswkJAQ62f5EPxV8I42bm5AZeGXt69et"

Get a publication's connections


GET v1/publications/{id}/connections

Response Body

An array of connections. Each connection consists of:

field type description
id string The ID of the connection
name string The name of the connection1
authorised boolean Whether the connection has been authorised
authorised_name string The full name of the remote user who authorised the connection
exception boolean Whether the connection is in exception2
configured boolean Whether the connection has been configured
service object The service this connection is for
status string The status of the most recent post to the connection. One for pending, posted, failed, retrying3
last_successful_post string The date and time of when the publication was last successfully posted to the connection

1 The name of the connection is relative to the service, so for a Facebook page, the name would be the name of the Facebook page, for example 'Summer Heights High School'. For Twitter, it would be the username of the account, for example 'HailSays'. It's up to the client to determine how to render these in the context of the service (you might want to append 'Facebook page' to the end of the Facebook page name, or prepend a '@' for a Twitter account).

2 A connection in exception is a connection that was once authorised and configured, but has encountered a problem since, most likely due to authorisation being revoked or something critical being deleted on the remote service. A connection in exception cannot be posted to, and must be reauthorised and configured by the user.

3 A pending post is queued up ready to post to the remote service, usually within a few seconds. A posted post was successfully posted. A failed post is when a hard-failure result is returned from the remote service, but can be rectified without the whole connection being reauthorised by fixing something and trying again later. A retrying post can occur when a rate limit has been reached at the remote service, or some other error which we can recover from automatically.

Push a publication to a connection


POST v1/publications/{id}/connections

Request Body

field required type description
connection_id yes string The ID of the connection to post to
comment no string For services that support it (e.g. Facebook and Twitter), an optional message to include with the post

Response Codes

202 Accepted The post job was accepted on to the queue for processing
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to push the publication to the connection
400 Bad Request The connection is in exception, isn't authorised or configured, or is already pending processing

Response Body

The updated connection reflecting its new status.