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The Hail API implements the OAuth 2 standard for authentication. This can be used to gain delegated access to the Hail API on behalf of users.

To save yourself the hassle, it pays to use a pre-built OAuth 2 client for your language. For example:

Create an application

In order to obtain your client_id and client_secret, you must first create an application in your Hail developers area. You will be able to name your application, get your OAuth credentials, configure your redirect URIs, and upload a logo.


Clients using the authorization_code grant are allowed to request the following scopes:

id description
user.basic Access basic info about the logged in user, and list their organisations
user.manage Access to edit user settings, create organisations and access their inbox
org.basic Access basic information about organisations Access to read content in the user's organisations: essentially, all GET requests on content resources
content.write Access to modify content in the user's organisations: essentially, all POST/PUT/DELETE requests on content resources
content.connections Access to manage connections in the user's organisations, and push content to them

You will receive an error when attempting to access and endpoint who's scope isn't valid for your access token.



The endpoint where users should be redirected to authorise your application: You must provide these fields in the query string:

field required type description
client_id yes string Your client / application ID
redirect_uri yes string The URI on your web application where we should redirect the user after authorising. Must be a valid redirect URI for your application.
response_type yes string The type of response we should redirect with, must be set to code
scope no string A space-delimited list of scopes your application is requesting

An example request would be

The user will be asked to grant your app the requested access. The user will then be redirected back to the URI you provide. If the request was approved, the URI will have a code parameter, and if not, it will have an error message explaining what went wrong.

Access token

The endpoint for obtaining an access token.

POST v1/oauth/access_token

Request Body

field required type description
client_id yes string The client / application ID
client_secret yes string The client / application secret
grant_type yes string The grant type, which will be authorization_code
code yes string The code the user was redirected to your app from Hail with
redirect_uri yes string The redirect URI used in the authorisation step

Response Codes

201 Created Access token created successfully
400 Bad Request Missing or invalid fields

Response Body

field type description
access_token string The access token to authenticate with the API
token_type string The type of access token, always 'Bearer'
expires_in number The number of seconds from the current time until the access token expires and needs refreshed
refresh_token number Used with the refresh_token grant to obtain a new access token

Example Response Body

    "access_token": "txmVnNC3lYiIRpPqFIETFbwk1hqAGjhlw63baLwn",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "refresh_token": "EXk66boeiLEuuiBf33tHWXx7sEqdktSYh2wPsDak"

Refreshing an access token

Access tokens have a lifetime of an hour (3600 seconds), after which time they must be refreshed. This is a security feature of the OAuth 2 specification to prevent stolen access tokens from being usable indefinitely.

Any time an access token is created, an associated refresh token will also be provided. This refresh token can be used with the refresh_token grant to obtain a new access token to continue using the API. You will also be issued a new refresh token at the same time.

The same access token endpoint above is used, with the following fields:

field required type description
client_id yes string The client / application ID
client_secret yes string The client / application secret
grant_type yes string The grant type, which will be refresh_token
refresh_token yes string The refresh token associated to the access token you want to refresh

Accessing protected resources

Once you've got yourself an access token, you can start accessing protected resources in Hail. You must present the access token in the Authorization header, like so:

Authorization: Bearer [access token]