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List images in an organisation


GET v1/organisations/{id}/images

Request Parameters

field required type description
search no string Filter results based on a search string
status no string Filter on the status of the image (pending, approved)
flagged no boolean1 Filter to include only flagged images
untagged no boolean1 Filter to include only untagged images
start no2 string Date range start3 date to limit results on
end no2 string Date range end date3 to limit results on
limit no number How many records to return
offset no4 number If limiting, how many records to offset by. Combined with limit, this is useful for pagination
order no string The field and optional direction to order on. Fields that can be ordered on are caption, date and created_date. To specify with a direction, use a pipe e.g. ?order=created_date|desc

1As this is a GET method, the request data is presented as a query string. Therefore, booleans must be represented as 1 or 0.

2Both start date and end date are required to limit results by a date range. If one is provided and not the other, a 400 Bad Request will be returned.

3Dates are in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

4An offset can only be supplied with a limit.

Response Codes

200 OK Listed images successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to list images of the organisation

Response Body

An array of images. See "Get an image" for the fields.

Count images in an organisation

This endpoint is useful when combined with limiting and offsetting restraints when listing images in an organisation. This endpoint accepts the same query as the listing endpoint does, but returns the total count of entities matched, as it's not possible to count the total when paginating.


GET v1/organisations/{id}/images/count

Request Parameters

The same as when listing images in an organisation, except there are no limit, offset and order fields.

Response Body

field type description
count number The number of images matched by the query

Example Response Body

    "count": 482

List images in an organisation belonging to a particular user

This method follows the same request and response detail as listing images in an organisation.


GET v1/organisations/{id}/members/{user_id}/images

Count images in an organisation belonging to a particular user

Exactly the same as counting images in an organisation, except this endpoint scopes the results to a particular member of the organisation.


GET v1/organisations/{id}/members/{user_id}/images/count

Create an image in an organisation


POST v1/organisations/{id}/images

Request Body

field required type description
image yes file The source image
caption no1 string The caption of the image
people no1 string For photos, an HTML text description of the people in the photo. Allowed tags: b, i
location no string For photos, the location of the event where the photo was taken
location_latitude2 no number For photos, the decimal latitude component of the coordinates where the photo was taken
location_longitude2 no number For photos, the decimal longitude component of the coordinates where the photo was taken
date2 no string For photos, the date (in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) of the event where the photo was taken
photographer no string The name of the photographer / creator of the image
camera2 no string For photos, the camera the photo was taken on

1These fields aren't required so that the image object can be persisted and these fields provided later. This method is used by our JavaScript app. For photos, good caption and people fields should be provided.

2If the image is a JPEG, the API will attempt to parse the EXIF data to auto-populate the date, camera, and GPS coordinates.

Response Codes

201 Created The image was created successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to create images in this organisation
400 Bad Request Validation failed, could be caused by corrupt EXIF data

Response Body

See "Get an image" for the fields.

Get an image


GET v1/images/{id}

Response Codes

200 OK Successfully retrieved the images
403 Not Authorised You aren't allowed to get the image

Response Body

field type description
id string The unique identifier of the image
caption string The caption of the image
people string For photos, a list or description of the people in the photo
location string For photos, the location of the event where the photo was taken
location_latitude number For photos, the decimal latitude component of the coordinates where the photo was taken
location_longitude number For photos, the decimal longitude component of the coordinates where the photo was taken
date string For photos, the date (in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) of the event where the photo was taken. If this date was automatically parsed from the photo's EXIF data, the date may be inaccurate by ±12 hours as timezone offset is not provided
photographer string The name of the photographer / creator of the image
camera string For photos, the camera the photo was taken on
status string The status of the image, in the set {pending, approved}
file_150_square_url string The URL to the 150 square version of the image
file_500_url string The URL to the 500 resize version of the image
file_500_square_url string The URL to the 500 square version of the image
file_1000_url string The URL to the 1000 resize version of the image
file_1000_square_url string The URL to the 1000 square version of the image
file_2000_url string The URL to the 2000 resize version of the image
file_original_url string The URL to the 2000 resize version of the image
original_width number The width in pixels of the original image
original_height number The height in pixels of the original image
focal_point object Will be the coordinates of the dominant face if one is detected, or the manually-set focal point of the image
colour_palette object The automatically-generated colour palette for the image
tags array Array of tags which have been used for the image. See the Tags documentation
private_tags array Array of private tags which have been used for the image. See the Private Tags documentation
user object The user who owns the image. See the Users documentation
created_date string The date the image was created / uploaded
average_rating number The average rating of the image, to the nearest 0.5
flagged boolean Whether the requesting user has flagged the image or not

Example Response Body

    "id": "sg1ceha",
    "caption": null,
    "people": null,
    "location": null,
    "location_latitude": null,
    "location_longitude": null,
    "date": "2006-02-21 15:27:48",
    "photographer": "Me",
    "camera": "Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL",
    "status": "pending",
    "file_150_square_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "file_500_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "file_500_square_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "file_1000_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "file_1000_square_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "file_2000_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "file_original_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
    "original_width": 2148,
    "original_height": 1024,
    "focal_point": {
        "x": 1000,
        "y": 512
    "colour_palette": {
        "background": {
            "rgb": {
                "red": 255,
                "green": 255,
                "blue": 255
        "primary": {
            "rgb": {
                "red": 255,
                "green": 255,
                "blue": 255
        "secondary": {
            "rgb": {
                "red": 255,
                "green": 255,
                "blue": 255
        "detail": {
            "rgb": {
                "red": 255,
                "green": 255,
                "blue": 255
    "tags": [],
    "private_tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": "1234567",
        "first_name": "Keyon",
        "last_name": "Gusikowski",
        "avatar_url": "http:\/\/\/500\/500\/",
        "last_active_date": "2014-05-11 22:53:20"
    "created_date": "2014-05-11 22:05:42",
    "average_rating": 1.5,
    "flagged": false

Edit an image

Note that you cannot edit the actual image file once the image has been created, as it's very centric to the image's existence. Only "metadata" can be edited.


PUT v1/images/{id}

Request Body

All the fields that can be provided when creating the image, except for the image field. The source image cannot be changed after the image is created.

Response Codes

200 OK Image updated successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to update the image
400 Bad Request Validation failed

Response Body

The updated image object.

Set an image's focal point


PUT v1/images/{id}/focal-point

Request Body

field required type description
x yes number The x-coordinate of the new focal point
y yes number The y-coordinate of the new focal point

Response Codes

200 OK Updated the focal point successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to modify the image

Response Body

The updated image.

Clear an image's focal point


DELETE v1/images/{id}/focal-point

Response Codes

204 No Content Cleared the focal point successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to modify the image

Flag an image


POST v1/images/{id}/flag

Response Codes

204 No Content Flagged the image successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to flag the image, probably because you aren't a member of the organisation

Unflag an article


DELETE v1/images/{id}/flag

Response Codes

204 No Content Unflagged the image successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to unflag the image, probably because you aren't a member of the organisation

Delete an image


DELETE v1/images/{id}

Response Codes

204 No Content Image deleted successfully
403 Not Authorised You aren't allowed to delete the image

Get an image's tags


GET v1/images/{id}/tags

Response Body

An array of tags. See the Tags documentation for more detail.

Tag an image


POST v1/images/{id}/tags

Request Body

field required type description
tag_id yes string The ID of the tag to attach

Example Request Body

    "tag_id": "sg1ceha"

Response Codes

204 No Content Tag successfully attached
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the image

Untag an image


DELETE v1/images/{id}/tags/{tag_id}

Response Codes

204 No Content Tag detached successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the image

Get an image's private tags


GET v1/images/{id}/private-tags

Response Body

An array of tags. See the Private Tags documentation for more detail.

Private-tag an image


POST v1/images/{id}/private-tags

Request Body

field required type description
private_tag_id yes string The ID of the private tag to attach

Example Request Body

    "private_tag_id": "sg1ceha"

Response Codes

204 No Content Privaet tag successfully attached
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the image

Un-private-tag an image


DELETE v1/images/{id}/private-tags/{tag_id}

Response Codes

204 No Content Private tag detached successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the image

Get the images attached to an article


GET v1/articles/{id}/images

Response Codes

200 OK Successfully listed the article's images
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to view the article

Response Body

An array of images.

Attach an image to an article


POST v1/articles/{id}/images

Request Body

field required type description
image_id yes string The ID of the image to attach

Example Request Body

    "image_id": "03jx1uc"

Response Codes

204 No Content Attached the image successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to attach the image

Detach an image from an article


DELETE v1/articles/{id}/images/{id}

Response Codes

204 No Content Image detached successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to detach images from the article

Set the images attached to an article

This method allows you to "sync" which images are attached to the article. All images provided to this endpoint will replace the images already attached.


PUT v1/articles/{id}/images

Request Body

field required type description
image_ids yes string A list of image ids (comma-separated) to replace with

Example Request Body

    "image_ids": "7ywudns,3rdg65g,03jx1uc"

Response Codes

204 No Content Successfully processed
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the article

Note that the server will silently drop any images which the user is not allowed to attach, therefore the client should ensure the user has rights to the images before uploading, or the request could end up wiping all images from the article.

Set the hero image of an article


POST v1/articles/{id}/hero-image

Request Body

field required type description
image_id yes string The ID of the image

Example Request Body

    "image_id": "7ywudns"

Response Codes

204 No Content Successfully set the hero image
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the article

Delete the hero image from an article


DELETE articles/{id}/hero-image

Response Codes

204 No Content Successfully removed the hero image
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to edit the article